Self-paced INSTANDA Foundation Training Success

Posted on 2nd November 2023

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Self-paced INSTANDA Foundation Training Success

Posted on 2nd November 2023

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Self-paced INSTANDA Foundation Training Success

November 2023 marks one year since Technical Training Manager, Kyle Cooke, joined us and seven months since INSTANDA’s digital Foundation Training programme went live.

Changing INSTANDA’s Foundation Training from a two-day course to a digital self-paced learning path has completely transformed new configurator training. So, we caught up with Kyle to find out more.


Kyle, could you tell us a little about INSTANDA’s approach to technical training?

Yes. Successful training is all about making the content and process logical and engaging while allowing for practice to embed the learning.

Let’s use the example of someone riding a bike for the first time. They could watch a video and read instructions, but the only way they become a confident rider is to practise. The same is true with learning to use INSTANDA. Once someone has learned and practised configuring, they feel confident enough to lose the ‘stabilisers.’

Who is Foundation Training for and what format does it take?

INSTANDA’s Foundation Training educates people on the core INSTANDA functionality. By the end of their training, they will have configured a full quote and buy journey, with ratings and referral rules.

Seven months ago, we changed the format of the training from a two-day virtual course to a fully digital learning offering. The new format provides a lot more flexibility for people to learn at a time that suits them and embed their learning through practice.

Those enrolled have access to INSTANDA Learning for Foundation Training and the training instance to practise. They have 4 weeks to complete 22 bite-sized configuration courses. These courses embed learning and guide configurators as they build their own test site and package.

Before taking a short knowledge check, learners read text covering the core learning within each configuration course. This is to ensure they understand what they have learned before following a video to configure the next part of their test package.

Courses are locked and opened in sequence to make sure that learning has been embedded and the correct configuration steps have been followed.

Configurators also access INSTANDA’s Knowledge Base to deepen their learning and access formulas, HTML source code and excel data needed to build their test package. The Knowledge Base is also a great source of information post training.

Meanwhile, I am there, as Technical Training Manager, to support with any queries. To allow for time differences, I encourage learners to email me in the first instance. If the learner needs more support, and it is easier to resolve their query virtually, I arrange a quick Teams call.

At the end of the Foundation Training, there’s a 20-question assessment, which the configurator must pass with a minimum score of 80% to become a Certified Configurator.

How long does Foundation Training take?

The average time to complete the Foundation Training is 10 hours, but it all depends on the individual. As mentioned, there are 22 courses, two take around one hour, but most are between 5 to 35 minutes and can be completed at a time that suits each learner. People are given 4 weeks to complete the training. There are no rewards for being the quickest as it is far more important that learning is embedded.

INSTANDA Training Platform

How successful is the Foundation Training?

The resulting feedback and course completion rates are fantastic, as shown below:

INSTANDA Technical Training

Moving forwards, we will only have certified configurators using the platform, which is hugely important for clients.

Moreover, nobody who has been on the course has raised a Platform Support ticket relating to the training and education content covered in their Foundation Training. This means that their learning has been embedded and they are now competent configurators.

Why is technical training so important to INSTANDA?

Technical training is incredibly important to INSTANDA as it means that we can deliver on the promise that we make to our clients – writing GWP and not code!

By the end of their training window, new configurators can do exactly what we promised they would be able to do – configure core functionality with ease.

Do you have a client testimonial you could share?

Yes, I do. It’s hard to choose just one, but the anonymous feedback below summarises the learning experience:

INSTANDA Technical Training 2

Can existing clients refresh their knowledge through Foundation Training?

Absolutely. We encourage anyone who has not taken the new digital Foundation Training, and who feels as if they need to refresh their knowledge, to contact their INSTANDA Account Manager.

Also, new client users can only configure sites and packages on the INSTANDA platform once they have completed and passed their Foundation Training. Again, if you are welcoming a new member to your team, please contact your Account Manager to request training.

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